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Ecodelinfotel through AI & ML-driven applications and integration services help our client’s businesses to add intelligence to their environment. Hire AI-ML expert engineers from Ecodelinfotel a strong AI application development company that has mastered AI and ML tools and technologies. We include AI elements into existing business processes to enhance productivity. we augment productivity by harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning through various solutions and across diverse industries. Efficient AI and ML applications result in significant business savings in the long run.

Website Bots

Ecodelinfotel Web Bot is specially designed for Web Applications. Be it on web or mobile browsers and applications or ATM Machine and Branch Kiosk, Human Avatars can be easily deployed to create an engaging experience for your customers

Mobile App BOT

Ecodelinfotel Mobile Bots keep the prospects interested in our services and nurture them into high-quality leads. Our Intelligent Bot can easily detect the context of each conversation and accurately respond with the help of our best NLU processing engine.


Ecodelinfotel Facial Vision & Thermal Scanning

Our Intelligent Facial Vision technology embedded with deep learning algorithms which are extremely accurate and more than sufficient to recognize the group of people. Our Facial Recognition Solution is also incorporate with Computer Vision algorithms that can be continuously trained and improved with new data frame sets to identify persons more accurately. The ability of identifying is not only the essential element of security, but also operational efficiency and business insights. Relying on our strong innovative technologies we have invented the best Live Vision based security solutions across a wide range of industries.

AA (Automated Attendance)

Ecodelinfotel developed a less intrusive, cost effective and more efficient automated attendance management system using face recognition that leverages either on-prem or cloud computing infrastructure. This AA takes attendance by using CC/IP camera mounted in front of an Entrance/ Classroom, to acquire attendacne of the entire Organization/University/Collegage/etc. It automatically takes the fattendance compares it with the enrolled faces in the database. On identification of a registered face on the acquired image collections, the attendance register is marked as present otherwise absent.